The Gifts in the Struggle

Seeing Glimpses of God in the Adversity of Raising My Son with Down syndrome

I love stories, but not just any stories. I love stories that minister and give hope to the reader, stories that influence and maybe even empower those who become engrossed reading the words and lines. I love stories about real people whose lives are inextricably linked to God as their backstory. My prayer is that you will see that this is one of those stories, not because this story is about my life or even my son’s life, but because woven throughout these pages God’s power and compassion, His love and mercy, faithfulness and unfailing grace are evident.

Forty-four and pregnant coupled with divorce proceedings. Things couldn’t get more complicated….until I received a prenatal diagnosis of Down syndrome. How was I to take this journey alone? A single mom, a fulltime job, an eight-year-old at home, and a new baby with a disability. I knew so little and felt so unqualified. Yet, each step of the way brought me closer to seeing glimpses of God as He worked in the everyday.

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